A Bit of a Hiccup

Why I'm changing back to JavaScript after months of trying to learn Flutter/Dart

A Bit of a Hiccup

Photo by Workperch on Unsplash

Progress Notes on TwoForty2

So far, I have tried to work on my app TwoForty2 in Flutter to no avail. I haven't been able to get the gist of the Flutter architecture and the syntax of dart. I know in my last article I touted all the reasons to go with building the app in Flutter and I do believe that there is still much merit in that article, but for me as a mediocre coder I find that switching languages and learning a new syntax to be a bit challenging.

Initial Planning

While I'm using Bootstrap to prototype the app, I think it's a good idea to be conscious of the fact that there are some good advantages of using JavaScript. Bootstrap 5 now utilizes JS for its interactivity breaking years of using jQuery. I've worked with both but am more prone to use JS because of the fact that I know it a little better than jQuery.

Right now, still in the planning phase, I am looking at best practices, setting up a dev environment and choosing the best stack. I want something that is easy to manage and simply put, easy to learn.

Here's the Scoop

I think it is time I add a little backstory here. Shortly before I began dreaming up TwoForty2 I had become physically challenged to the point that I had to become hospitalized. I'm now almost 6 months in a rehabilitation facility and struggling to the point where I am addressing the physical issues head-on. I'm also working to help my mind which has suffered also from this disorder that I face. To make a long story short, learning a new language isn't easy for me. So, I figured the next best thing would be to utilize my current JavaScript knowledge and build out a web application, which is something that would be a little more manageable. Learning Flutter/Dart from scratch just seems too formidable.

Why JavaScript?

At this time in my life there is only one language I know well enough to program front-end in. JavaScript and I have had a love/hate relationship, but the advantage for me in using JavaScript is that it really is the language of the front-end world. That is the world I've been working in for the past 14 years.

JavaScript: My First Language

I've looked over the last 14 years of coding that I have done and the majority of it is in JavaScript with some PHP and MySQL some Java and a little Flutter/Dart. The only language that I actually built anything cool in is JavaScript. My first project was a rock, paper, scissors game. I also built many quiz apps and a history game for children.

JavaScript Works with Bootstrap 5

Another thing I've looked at is using JavaScript with Bootstrap to quickly build up the front-end on the application. I'm trying hard not to reinvent the wheel, but I do like the ability to easily build with Bootstrap. Some things I'm leaning towards is quickly being able to make modals and popovers as well as menus and buttons. I don't need to write my own code for this. Why bother when the code is easily available?


I'm currently completing the JavaScript Portion of freeCodeCamp. I've only another few weeks to go before I complete the exercises for the JavaScript section and begin my five projects. I'm looking forward to utilizing what I've learned for these projects and building upon that knowledge to complete %[TwoForty2.com]. It will be a longer journey than I expected, but I aim to make it in stages, so it will be easier for me to build the application.


I'm in a stage in my life at 50 years old where I do not want to work too hard at play. Coding is a hobby, and it is a form of therapy for me. The day it ceases to be fun I will have to look for some other way to enjoy my time. In making a responsive web application that is user friendly I aim to not reinvent things or try to fly out of my comfort zone, but to go back to basics and work on my first programming language skills. JavaScript for the win!